Monday, November 4, 2013


Joining Amanda from The Habit of Being for weekending...

This weekend started out Friday after we decided to skip park and stay home and chill, I think now that maybe we should have gone to the park. The kids about drove me nuts with their bickering, BUT Friday ended on a high note with dinner out by the fire pit. Roasting hot dogs over open flames is always something the boys love doing. Of course, if they could only get the fire safety element firmly planted in their heads it would be a heck of a lot less stressful for daddy and I.
I made the choice of NOT getting dressed and declaring I was doing NOTHING at all on Saturday except knitting baby socks and watching some Netflix, maybe I would make dinner... if everyone was lucky. After having spent 4+ hours cleaning on Thursday, then driving across town to do Halloween at a friend's hood, walking about a million miles (ok, not really), dealing with bickering all Friday and more house work and feeling as if my pelvis might just crumble to bits (darn relaxin) I was just gonna sit and chill. And you know what... I mostly did. And it was wonderful. An old friend was in town with her son and they came over for a bit, Logan and H hung out and played music and K and I talked and caught up with each other. It was great. I even made The Pioneer Woman's Corn and Cheese soup (which was so freaking tasty).
Sunday was spent with Mike and the boys making a film short... so amazing how much work must go into 2 minutes of edited film. They had a blast doing it, and that is what really matters.


the habit of being said...

good for you, mama!

Unknown said...

Well Saturday was national wear your pajamas day! I think you celebrated well! Glorious! We did something similar we were all wiped out from Halloween and all it's flurry!

Kim said...

So happy to hear you stuck to your guns and relaxed on Saturday...well deserved.