Thursday, March 19, 2015

Just a few sleepless nights

What is the point of all of this? Am I living my life fully? Am I doing what I am meant to do? What does all of "this" mean??
This is what keeps me up late into the night, pushing to early morning. It is a seasonal thing, as the world around me starts to change I begin to wonder... what is my purpose? Am I living, really truly living? How much time do I have left, should I be wasting it doing A, B, or C?
On a blog the other day, the author mentions this in her weekend post. It seemed pretty amazing to me that someone else is pondering it all too.
I never know what to do with these thoughts except ride the wave and let the feelings, the emotions, the fear and doubt wash over me and clean me off as I come through the other side. All of this usually entails me power cleaning the house, eating crappy, not sleeping well at all, being cranky and distant as I refind my happy spot. Maybe one day, I will find my answer and I can then follow that light out of the weirdness and not have to actually do it again.


sustainablemum said...

Working out what throws us off the rails is the hardest part. I hope you get back on track, hopefully working out what it is along the way :)

Claire Potter said...

The same stuff troubles me A LOT at the moment. Then it passes. Then it comes again. I hope it's all for a reason - forces us to make changes, big or little.

Melissande said...

I think we all wonder this from time to time. I think it's natural. We are meant to be curious and to ask questions - to seek knowledge. I've been thinking on this a lot lately and how I want the trajectory of my life to go. Living intentionally, living purposefully. You are certainly not the only one.