Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Yes, I know... we are well into September and I still am not finished with the planning. I can't seem to get it right, where we have time for doing stuff out in the world, but also staying home and doing stuff here too. I feel very all over the place. All these ideas/rhythms/plans floating around in my head and just feeling overwhelmed by the shear amount of stuff that seems to need to be packed into so many days of the week. As the boys get older they want to actually DO stuff... soccer, gymnastics, park days twice a week, computer code club twice a week, and of course hanging out with friends. BUT I have noticed that when we are constantly running that the girls start freaking out, and if I am honest so do I. I need down time, the "breathing in" time. SO I have pulled out all the planning/organizing goodies and have restarted. I will get this, I will.


Tracey ~ Clover said...

Have you ever thought to just make sure the basics are covered and then you can fill in other things as the day unfolds?
I make a list of things we need to accomplish for the week [I only have one at home so it's a little easier for me this year] and then will fill in slots as they present themselves.
Don't stress it, take it from reformed hard core planner. Hugs.

FrontierDreams said...

You will TOTALLY get this! I know you will!!! I have been overwhelmed with all the homeschool planning and 2 children in grades now. I keep on panicking when I open up the curriculum to really set our blocks. I end up stepping away, probably for too long. We haven't officially started our school year but I am hoping to get myself back together and start next week. AHHHH! I am with you!

sustainablemum said...

I am so with you........I have a post scheduled for this later in the week, I have not got mine sorted either. I am ok with that tho' as I have come to realise that what will be will be and I will go with the flow a bit more than trying to fight something that doesn't want to happen. However looking at your schedule my kids don't have any clubs that they want to do which means lots of driving around.....