I thought it was about time to tell the story of Fiona Rose's birth. Our newest little wonder came to us all the way back in January of this year...
The evening of January 25th I had some mild labor pains, nothing to write home about, but it got me terribly excited. As the night progressed they faded away and I was feeling a bit put out. I was a bit "over due" and just really really wanted to have this baby. I had had two miscarriages the year before and I was just so ready to be holding a baby. The morning of the 26th was dull, not a single contraction. I was pretty upset and pretty sure I was going to be pregnant until, well, maybe forever. I did the chores around the house, cleaned things, baked stuff, read stories to the kids, did the laundry, you know homemaker stuff. I took some caster oil to try and get things going again... big mistake.Then around noon I gave a my friend Alica a call, mostly just to complain bitterly that I was still not in labor. About 1/2 through our conversation I started having contractions again. When I got off the phone with her, they were pretty good ones. I gave Audrey a call at school, but she didn't answer, so I called the school and then I called Derek to see if he could give Audrey a lift home, because dang these contractions were rough. I called Mike at work around 3 pm. Mike, Audrey and Derek all showed up about the same time. I was in the tub, the boys were all over the place sort of oblivious to what was going on, I think Logan knew, but the little ones were playing, watching TV and fighting. I had just gotten off the phone with the Servpro people in Maine who were trying to clean up the house after a pipe burst. LOL Try talking to someone about something important while having a mother of a contraction and in a tub of warm water. I wanted to just yell, "LEAVE ME ALONE!! Can't you see I'm in labor." Which of course he couldn't. That is when the Caster oil started working. I was on the toilet for most contraction because I wasn't sure what was going to come out! Then I got this idea that I needed Ruth (my MIL) to be there. I mean she HAD to be there, so Derek and Audrey went to go and fetch her. Then of course I worried that they wouldn't get back in time to see the baby being born. After a couple hours of that, things finally settled down in the GI department, but this labor was fierce. The contractions were not really long, but they were intense. I couldn't really sit, laying down during them was impossible. So I walked and got in the shower and sometimes just sat on the toilet, leaned on Mike and Logan. Moaned and carried on. After one hell of a trip to pick up Ruth, Audrey and Derek FINALLY made it home, just in time too. They got back to the house at about 5:20, and at about 5:45 I felt like I had to push, but I couldn't get comfortable at all. I just ended up on the floor in the bedroom. Mike was sure it was too soon, but I didn't care, I HAD TO PUSH! It felt as if the baby wouldn't come out because the bag of waters (which still had not broken) was so big and in the way. I told Mike to get me a crochet hook and during a contraction I broke a hole in the bag. 2 pushes later out she came, our Fiona Rose. Just Mike and I were in the room, just her mama and her daddy there to greet her. Mike called in everyone while I laid on the floor, naked as the day I was born, cord coming out and baby on my belly. Audrey, Logan, Sagan, Caelan, Rowan, Ruth and Derek all came in to see our most wondrous new little bundle. Fiona even crawled up my belly to get up to my breast to nurse, and she did that like a champ. This was my quickest labor, lasting about 4 hours, and my most intense. Soon all the family was called and Grandma and Papa came to visit, I am not even sure I had showered when they showed up. It was amazing, fast, intense, and beautiful all at the same time.
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