Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thoughts on Thursday

I have been working on counting my blessings, even the things that don't seem too much like a blessing... like the bills, or the child having a 45 minute melt down at the end of a long day, or looking at the mile long list of things that still needs to get done. Being able to take a look at those things and see the beauty, the blessing, to be able to get in there and be grateful... that has been amazing. I have been floundering around not seeing all that I have and focusing on the dark parts, when really, truly my life is good. So those bills... they mean we have a roof over our head and water coming from the tap, that child having a melt down another lesson for me on compassion and empathy, that long long list means that I have a full life. It just takes flipping the switch and there they are, all those beautiful blessing and they have been there all along waiting for you to notice.


sustainablemum said...

I hear you mama :)

karen said...

I write what I am thankful for every day. It makes me focus on the positive instead of the negative and it works most of the time. Lovely photo :)

Darcel {MahoganyWayMama} said...

It can be easy to focus on the negative when life is full and it's one thing after another, especially when those 45min meltdowns happen. I know that was rough!
Like you said, sometimes all it takes is flipping the switch. Getting through the tough times means you come out stronger and more grateful in the end.

Alina said...

Beautiful picture and beautiful words!

Twisted Cinderella said...

Such a great post.